The Whittier College experience combines engaging and individualized classroom-based studies with practical, hands-on…
Recent graduate Yasmin Mendoza ’21 has been selected as the winner of the 2022 MLA Student Essay Contest. Mendoza, an…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff, Students
An impressive roster of social justice scholars will be sharing their expertise and engaging in dialogue with the…
By Javi-Nevaeh Hall  The Whittier College Dance Team performed at the Arena in Downtown Los Angeles during…
Alumni, Philanthropy, Students
Originally envisioned as a five-year project, the outpouring of support received for the Pride Endowed Scholarship from…
Whittier College recently lost a member of the campus community. First-year Kavari “Doji” Degree was a bright young man…
Alumni, Students
Film producer Ryan R. Johnson’s ‘96 latest film project, The Long Night produced by Sprockefeller Pictures, is a…
Alumni, Students
Artists Linda Vallejo ‘73 has earned the high distinction of a lifetime achievement award. The award was bestowed upon…
Whittier College students shined in the classroom this spring, with 305 students being named to the Fall 2021 Dean’s…
Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Students
An innovative slate of coffee industry leaders is sharing their unique expertise with the Whittier College community…
College Affairs, Students
The UniHealth Foundation has awarded Whittier College $600,000 to restructure and elevate the way the College addresses…
College Affairs, Students
The 2020 presidential election engaged the largest and most diverse group of college students in U.S. history. With an…
Prepare as many questions as you can before a campus tour. Talk to the locals. And it’s OK if your parents “embarrass”…
Whittier College Theatre and Communications Arts major Mercedes Brookins ‘22 has self-published her first book, You…
Philanthropy, College Affairs, Leadership, Students
Ten months after receiving a generous $12 million gift from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, Whittier College…