Frequently Asked Questions


I am a current or prospective student and would like to know what kind of services and accommodations you offer to students with disabilities.

Our department assesses accommodation requests on an individual basis, as accommodations vary depending on each student’s needs. Please refer to the Requesting Accommodations page for more information about the types of accommodations and how to start the request process.

I am an incoming student who received academic accommodations in high school. How do I request those for college?

The process of accessing academic accommodations begins with a Welcome Meeting with one of our SAS staff members. During this meeting, we discuss your experience, and the functional limitations of your condition(s), review documentation, and approve reasonable accommodations. Students can schedule a Welcome Meeting by contacting or stopping by our office. Please refer to the Academic Accommodations for more information. 

Am I required to request academic accommodations every semester?

Yes. Students must request accommodations for academics each semester, as accommodations are both person-specific and course-specific. Students submit their requests using the Academic Accommodations Request Form. Returning students may choose to submit this form independently or in consultation with the SAS team.

Does Whittier College offer priority registration?

Yes. Students with qualifying conditions can be approved for priority registration. Due to the nature of the registration cycle, students can only be approved after the start of their first semester for future semesters/years. Once approved, students are not required to reapply.

SAS sends communication to all students with information regarding eligibility and the timeline to apply. This communication is sent out based on the registration timeline of each semester/year. For more information, please contact the SAS team.

Does SAS approve memory aid accommodation requests?

Students registered with SAS who have a verifiable need of a significant memory impairment may be approved to utilize a memory aid during exams. Though this accommodation is not common, SAS will consider requests for a memory aid on a case-by-case basis. A student who would like to apply for this accommodation must meet with a SAS staff member and provide the department with documentation from a qualified professional that justifies the use of this memory aid. For more information, please contact the SAS team.

I need to make a disability-related housing request. What should I do?

Students who need housing accommodations based on their condition(s) can submit a Housing Accommodations Application, which can be acquired by reaching out to SAS. These applications are assessed by the Housing Committee. Please refer to the Housing Accommodations page to learn more about the types of housing accommodations and the process of requesting them.

Am I required to request housing accommodations every year?

Yes. Students must renew their housing accommodation request(s) by submitting a Housing Accommodations application each academic year. Depending on the nature of your condition(s), you may not be required to submit new documentation.

I am living on campus but cannot eat at the Campus Inn. What should I do?

Students who live on campus are expected to purchase a meal plan but students with dietary needs directly related to their medical condition may qualify for an exemption. Disability-based exemptions can be requested by submitting the Meal Plan Exemption Application.

Requests of a medical nature will be reviewed by SAS and the Health and Wellness Center, while the Dean of Students Office will review non-medical requests (e.g., religious or financial reasons). Please refer to the  Meal Plan Exemption page for more information.

Can my service animal or emotional support animal live with me in the residence halls?

Whittier College's residence halls are animal-free with the exception of service animals and emotional support animals (ESA). The latter must be approved through Student Accessibility Services. Please refer to the Emotional Support Animals page to learn more about the considerations and requirements for ESAs.

I have concerns about getting around campus. What resources are there?

SAS partners with other professionals on campus, such as Facilities and Campus Safety, to facilitate access for students with temporary or permanent medical conditions and disabilities that impact physically moving around campus. This includes ensuring such students’ classes are held in accessible classrooms and arranging mobility transports. Please refer to the Structural Access Accommodations page for more information.

Is there a deadline for requesting accommodations?

SAS will consider requests for reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities at any time. However, some accommodations require advance preparation to implement (e.g., relocating classrooms for structural access) or may be based on availability (e.g., single rooms) and may not be guaranteed, even if approved, if requested outside the designated timeline. Thus, students are responsible for abiding by appointed deadlines for specific accommodations and planning to begin the request process accordingly.

Additionally, while students may request academic accommodations at any point during the semester, academic accommodations cannot retroactively apply to course requirements. Thus, students are encouraged to submit their requests at the start or ahead of the semester.

I suspect I have a condition that could qualify as a disability but have not been diagnosed or do not have access to my documentation. Am I still able to receive accommodations?

Yes. SAS offers a one-semester grace period during which students who are otherwise eligible for services may qualify to receive academic accommodations temporarily without complete or updated documentation. Students are expected to use this grace period to acquire complete and appropriate documentation for continued access to academic accommodations.

Is my information shared with anyone?

SAS is committed to protecting students’ privacy and will not disclose students’ information without their consent. SAS maintains records in accordance with College policy for the handling of student records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and information is only shared in specific circumstances when appropriate. Learn more on the Confidentiality Policy page.