Academic Accommodations


Student Accessibility Services (SAS) requires that academic accommodations requests be made each semester, as accommodations are both person-specific and course-specific.

The process of requesting academic accommodations begins with a Welcome Meeting with a SAS staff member. This meeting begins the interactive process by which students and staff converse to determine how Whittier College can best support the student. During this conversation, students share their experience and functional limitations of their condition(s), any documentation is reviewed, and SAS staff discern which accommodations are appropriate for barrier removal in the classroom setting.

Students can generally expect written communication within 5-10 business days of this meeting regarding an approval determination, further information required for approval, and/or next steps.

Students are encouraged to call, email, or stop by the SAS office to set up a Welcome Meeting.

Students must complete and submit an Academic Accommodations Request Form each semester. SAS will notify professors regarding approved academic accommodations. These notifications will clearly state the specific recommended accommodations for each course. Diagnostic information about students will not appear in these notifications.

Students are responsible for discussing the implementation of the accommodations with their professor(s). For example, if a student is eligible for time extensions on exams in a separate, reduced-distraction environment, the student and professor must fill out our Test Proctor Form, which details the arrangements for taking exams under these conditions. Professors are encouraged to contact SAS with any questions or concerns regarding accommodations.

While there is no deadline for requesting academic accommodations, accommodations are not retroactive and are only activated once faculty are sent an official notification; thus, we recommend students submit requests before the start of classes to best facilitate the timely implementation of accommodations.

Please note: All new, not previously approved requests must be discussed with SAS staff before approval. New documentation may be needed depending on the request being made.

Students can submit the following academic accommodation forms, as applicable:

All forms are additionally available through SAS as printed and fillable PDF versions, if needed per students’ preference or disability needs.

Due to the nature and functional limitations of some physical disabilities or psychiatric conditions, students may under certain circumstances be allowed to register earlier than the time designated based on their year. Please note, only students who are permanently registered with SAS for academic accommodations are eligible to be approved for priority registration.

Students who qualify for this accommodation include those who fit into any or all of the following categories:

  • Students who require accommodations that take an extensive amount of time to prepare in advance, such as books in alternate format (braille, audio, etc.) or the hiring of interpreters or captioning services.
  • Students who need classes at certain times during the day or classes of specific duration and frequency for reasons specifically related to their disability. Some examples of students who qualify include those whose disabilities require them to be on a strict medication or treatment regimen or those who have energy or sensory limitations requiring a certain class schedule.
  • Students who need a person to physically assist them in registering.

SAS will determine the appropriateness of this accommodation based upon the nature of the student’s disability/condition and the impact of such a condition on the circumstances listed above. If a student is approved for this accommodation, SAS will notify the Registrar’s office, and the student will be able to register at an earlier date that is approved by the Registrar.

Please note: Students who are permitted to register early must still meet with their faculty advisor for advising and follow any college or department policies regarding classes. Approved students will receive an email from SAS notifying them with the date and time that they may register. Students cannot register early for disability-related reasons without the approval of SAS.

The College reserves the right to update these policies at any time, as needed.