The Fifth Dimension, a program delivered by a team of 13 Whittier College students and the Boys and Girls Club of…
The young men of the Whittier College football program are dedicating blood, sweat and tears to creating the new…
George Kenneth Tenopir, a beloved member of the Poet family, passed away suddenly on Sunday, September 21, 2014. He was…
Alumna Dawn Finley’s ’00 Feminist Library On Wheels (FLOW), a mobile library project, was recently featured in the…
Assistant Professor of History Natale A. Zappia's new book, Traders and Raiders: The Indigenous World of The Colorado…
Alumna Kristina Shaw '11 recently completed a 10-month Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) in Munich,…
Faculty and Staff
The idea that humans will undergo a day of reckoning has confronted every generation. Whatever you call it, however you…
Women making history within men dominated minor league baseball, has shifted since Whittier alumna and poet baseball…
Whittier College has once again been designated as one of the nation's best institutions for undergraduate education by…
Alumnus Dean Alger '70 has recently released a music biographical book, "THE ORIGINAL GUITAR HERO and THE POWER OF…
Professor of Education and Child Development Ivannia Soto's most recent book, Moving from Spoken to Written Language…
Four Whittier College alumni participated in the Federation of International Lacrosse 2014 World Championships in…
Professor of Religious Studies Joseph Price’s article, “Oh God, Please Let My Team Win. Please. Amen,” was published in…
Professor of Modern Languages Gustavo Geirola presented at the 29th annual International Festival on Hispanic Theater…
Visiting Professor of English Tess Taylor was a recent guest on the KUSP Poetry Show discussing her most recent book…