Outside Deihl Hall, a homeless figure pushes one shopping heavily loaded cart ahead of them, while pulling a second.…
Athletics, Students
Poet swimmer Brooke Geske ’21 returned home this week after taking part in the NCAA Division III National…
Gunner Joachim ’18 is bringing his award-winning skills combining theatre and history to the national stage. Joachim, a…
The next improvement to lithium ion batteries—like the ones that power our smartphones—may be in part to Bryce Scurr’s…
The Weingart Center for Career and Professional Development hosted Straight Outta College, a week-long event featuring…
Chemistry major Olive Anagu ’18 has an idea for making dairy more appetizing for the millions affected by lactose…
When sociology major Seth Feldman ’18 stepped off a plane into Budapest, he was walking into a hotbed of immigration…
The demand for special education teachers is growing, and Lucas Holbert (Class of '21) is on the fast track to meeting…
David Moreno ’20, sitting on a bus on his way to the L.A. Coliseum, was excited to see a familiar stadium in a whole…
A total of 320 students have been named to the Whittier College Fall 2017 Dean’s List.  The Dean’s list recognizes…
In the News, Students
More than 38 million tons of food are thrown away every year in this country, according to a 2014 EPA study. At…
More than 120 Whittier College students will be traveling to five countries—on four different continents—to explore…
Charlie Craft ’18 has always loved gaming, and Whittier College turned that passion into a major. In high school, some…
At a point when STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) graduates are crucially needed, first-year…
Philip de Castro ’18 and three other students sat staring at a whiteboard covered in numbers. For weeks, the math…