Get Connected


The commuter experience can provide many opportunities for growth, especially if you immerse yourself in positive and dynamic opportunities at Whittier.

Top Six Ways To Get Connected On Campus

  1. Join a student club or organization. Whittier is a place where people get involved - and with 70 student clubs and organizations on campus, you’re sure to find your niche. Whittier's Office of Student Engagement (OSE) can help you identify what groups best fit your interests. Drop by OSE within the Campus Center or visit the online directory of student organizations in Engage to get started.
  2. Attend campus events. The Associated Students of Whittier College Program Board puts on regular events such as movie nights, carnivals, and event a semi-formal dance - there is a lot to immerse yourself in after class. OSE also puts on community events and excursion trips. Look out for the weekly "This Week @ A Glance" newsletters in your email, and regularly check out the event management system (EMS) calendar
  3. Hang out on-campus. Attend one of the monthly Commuter Meet-ups, Study in the Office of Equity and Inclusion Lounge or in one of the Residence Hall Lounges, Connect with fellow commuters by joining the Whittier College Commuters group on Facebook and/or OrgSync. 
  4. Get a campus job. It's never too early to start building your resume - and to make friends while you're at it. Visit Whittier's Center for Career Planning & Internships - in person at the Campus Center or online - to search for on-campus work study positions and internships.
  5. Purchase a block meal plan and eat at the Campus Inn (CI). Click here for information about meal plan options just for commuters.
  6. Be a voice for fellow commuters as a Commuter Representative or Executive Board Member of the Commuter Student Association. Seize your opportunity to be a leader. Learn more.