Commuter Student Association
The Commuter Student Association is dedicated to providing Whittier College commuter students with opportunities for unity and voice on campus, as well as scholarly support, social enrichment, and encouragement to participate fully in their college experience.
Off-Campus (Commuter) Representatives
To maintain communication between commuter students and the College, the Student Senate (ASWC) has three Off-Campus (Commuter) Representative positions. Commissioners meet with constituents to discuss commuter-related issues with the Senate and administration.
Public Transportation Resources
Whittier College and the surrounding neighborhood are served by two main public transportation systems: Metro and Montebello Bus Lines. Public transportation maps are available at the Office of Student Engagement, located within the Campus Center.
Locker Reservations
There are 100 campus lockers available, free of charge, to commuter students in the Campus Center courtyard, courtesy of ASWC. To reserve a locker, visit the ASWC office.
Campus Safety Escort
The incidence of crime on the Whittier College campus is low. However, students who are leaving or walking through campus late at night are cautioned to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious persons or activities immediately to Campus Safety by calling 562.907.4911 or by using one of the emergency call boxes located on campus.
Safety escorts are provided by the Department of Campus Safety from any location on campus and can be requested by calling 562.907.4211.