All services provided to students are confidential.
All communication between a student and their clinician is also strictly confidential. The Student Health & Wellness Center is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) regulations. Please see the notice of privacy practices for details regarding HIPAA.
To protect patient privacy, charges are listed on student's account as infirmary fee. Information about a student cannot be released without the student's permission. Information is released only with a student's written permission, upon a court ordered subpoena, or during a life threatening situation where a provider has determined that the student is in danger to themselves or to others. Under certain appropriate circumstances, such as emergencies, the Student Health & Wellness Center may disclose a student's protected health information to designated relatives, caregivers, or personal representatives. If student objects to the disclosure, they must notify the Student Health & Wellness Center office staff to verify.
The Student Health & Wellness Center may also disclose protected health information for the purpose of reporting to public health authorities, the FDA, or to alert individuals that have been exposed to a communicable disease. Also, if the Student Health & Wellness Center may have reason to believe that a student is victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence, it may disclose protected health information as required by law to social services or other governmental agencies that have been authorized to receive such reports. Furthermore, the Student Health & Wellness Center may disclose protected health information to police or other law enforcement officials.
If a student is 18 years and older, their medical records cannot be shared with anyone. It is a legal document and the Student Health & Wellness Center may not share any of its contents with anyone, including parents, unless the student's life is in danger or there is a signed release from the student. Students also have the right to request to receive protected health information by alternative means of communication or at a different address or location.
Whittier College is required to obtain the student's permission before using or disclosing their protected health information except for the purpose of treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. Any other use of a student's personal information must have the student’s written consent before disclosure to any person. Once granted, students may revoke this consent in writing except to the extent that the Student Health & Wellness Center has already taken action in reliance upon the consent. Students have the right to request specifically restricted use or disclosure of their protected health information. All requests for such a consent and/or restriction must be made in writing.