Roommate Conflict & Room Changes


Roommate conflicts are not uncommon. Where there are relationships, conflict tends to periodically follow. 

Residential Life has numerous resources in place to help resolve conflicts that may arise. Seeking the assistance of Residential Life staff is always the best place to begin when a conflict develops.

Roommate Agreements

All residential students are required to complete a Roommate Agreement form at the beginning of the year. We recommend you spend enough time and be completely honest when filling this out. Roommates should set aside time to have a serious conversation about the questions listed in the Agreement. Further, roommates are encouraged to add their own terms to the agreement. 

Resident Advisors

These student staff members are trained to handle roommate conflicts. We encourage you to consult your floor RA at any point during the development of a conflict. RAs can be advisors or get involved in the mediation process itself. Don’t be afraid to ask for their assistance - they're here to help.

Area Directors

These professional staff members oversee specific residential areas, are trained in conflict mediation, and will guide students through our conflict resolution process. 

Room Changes

The Open Room Change period occurs during the 3rd week of each semester. During this time, students can switch rooms freely as long as there are open spaces. Room changes are not permitted outside this period unless extraordinary circumstances warrant them. In these instances, the Area Director or their superiors will make the determination. In all cases, staff will maintain conflict resolution as its goal and counsel involved parties accordingly.

Be sure to communicate with your RA and Area Director at least a few days before the 3rd week of the semester if you intend to change rooms. Giving plenty of notice will allow staff to prepare any necessary paperwork and explain the room change process.