Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of Math and Computer Science Fred Park was recently awarded the Springer-Verlag Best Paper Award at…
Faculty and Staff
Whittier College has selected Professor of Education and Child Development Kay Sanders to serve as the inaugural…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Dean and Professor of Theatre and Communications Gil Gonzalez has been named a recipient of the 2020-21…
Faculty and Staff
The documentary Dave Brubeck: In His Own Sweet Way was showcased at the Savannah-Safe Jazz Festival on September 23 in…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff
The most recent recipient of the Whittier Innovates grant is a unique and interdepartmental project aimed at providing…
Faculty and Staff
Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration Robert Mendez has been appointed to the San Antonio Regional…
Faculty and Staff
The founder of the Baseball Reliquary and co-founder of the Institute for Baseball Studies at Whittier College, Terry…
Faculty and Staff, Students
This summer, students in biology professor Sylvia Lopez-Vetrone’s ’99 course, Disease and Immunity: Friends and Enemies…
Faculty and Staff, Students
This summer, students taking a class called The Bitter Side of Chocolate took a different look at the beloved treat. …
Faculty and Staff
During this period of online learning at home, K-12 teachers are looking at different ways to effectively reach their…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff
When thinking about music, most people might envision a guitar, piano, or flute, but few realize how integral computer…
Faculty and Staff
For college students or recent graduates, preparing for a job interview might involve tapping into the skills they…
Faculty and Staff
A team of Whittier College professors worked alongside college faculty from across the U.S. to create the Global…
In the News, Faculty and Staff
Psychology professor Christina Scott was featured in a Buzzfeed News article, The Only Thing I Want To Do Is Binge-…
Faculty and Staff
Baseball expert and Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies Joe Price was interviewed on 89.3 KPCC’s Air Talk, during a…