Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Students
An innovative slate of coffee industry leaders is sharing their unique expertise with the Whittier College community…
Faculty and Staff
The Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions (CMSI) announced its third cohort of MSI Aspiring Leaders, naming…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of Art Danny Jauregui has been named a recipient of the prestigious 2021-22 City of Los Angeles (…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff
English professor emerita Anne Kiley passed away on Sunday, December 5. Her students and colleagues will always…
In the News, Faculty and Staff
English professor, Associate Director of the Whittier Scholars Program, and avid bibliophile Michelle Chihara was…
Faculty and Staff
Professor of English Tony Barnstone will be in New York City next week to launch his latest literary project, the…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff, Leadership
Deanna Merino-Contino was named interim Vice President and Dean of Students in late June. In her post, she oversees the…
Faculty and Staff
Associate Professor of Sociology Julie Collins-Dogrul will undertake a prestigious fellowship at the UC San Diego…
Faculty and Staff
Former Whittier College Professor of Economics and Business Administration Charles Russell "Chuck" Laine passed away on…
Faculty and Staff
Professor of Spanish Gustavo Geirola's newest book, Grotowski soy yo. Una lectura para la praxis teatral en tiempos de…
Faculty and Staff
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy Jordan Hanson's research paper was recently recognized as one of the top…
College Affairs, Faculty and Staff
The Division of Academic Affairs announced the establishment of the Bayard Rustin Fellowship Program, a multi-year…
Faculty and Staff
Professor of Chemistry Emeritus Charles “Chuck” Reeg passed away on December 19, 2020 due to COVID-19.
Reeg taught…
Faculty and Staff
By Jai Battle '22
Educator Liz Sandoval Lueras was born and raised in sky-scraper lined Chicago. Her book, Archie’s…
Faculty and Staff
By Jai Battle '22
Co-founded by Whittier College English professor Joseph Donnelly, the newly established Red Canary…