Borrowing Privileges and Responsibilities


Your Library Account

You may access your library circulation account from the My Library Account tab on the Library navigation menu or from the Library Catalog. To login, enter your name and barcode number, located on the back of your Whittier College ID card. Once logged in, you will be able to view materials you have borrowed from the library, renew outstanding items, modify personal information, and more.

Borrowing Privileges

All library users must present a valid Whittier College ID card or Library Courtesy Card to check out materials. Loss or theft of an identification card should be reported immediately to the Circulation Desk.

Whittier College students, faculty, and staff have access to materials onsite and through the Library's LINK+ and ILL partnerships.

Borrowing information for non-Whittier College users is outlined in the Visitor Policy.

Borrower Responsibilities

Items checked out on a personal Whittier College identification card remain the responsibility of the individual named on that card. Items checked out to an individual must be returned in good condition, without evidence of defacement, mutilation, or water damage. Users who return books damaged beyond repair will be charged a $100 replacement fee.

Users are required to read and sign the Library's Borrower Responsibility Form when checking out a laptop for the first time each year. The form is available at the Circulation Desk. Laptop lending policies are outlined in the Equipment Policies and Borrower Responsibility Agreement.