Whittier College relies on the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends to provide a high-quality education to our students.
Invest in our students by starting a recurring monthly gift or by making a one-time donation.
Support students year-round with a recurring monthly gift. Your affordable and automatic tax-deductible monthly gift is a convenient way to provide support for our Poets.
Other benefits of becoming a GEM include automatic renewals of your Faithful Friend support and participation in the Society Challenge (if you’re a society alumnus/a). You’ll also lower our postage and printing costs, ensuring that even more resources are directed to what matters most: students.
Office of Development at Whittier College 13406 E. Philadelphia Street | P.O. Box 634 Whittier, CA 90608-0634 development@whittier.edu 562.907.4219 562.907.4817 (fax)
Aside from giving back to the next generation of students much as others did for you, there are two critical reasons that your support makes a difference.
The annual fund is a critical source of unrestricted support that allows the College to put your gift to use where the need is greatest.
Give every month and support Whittier students year-round.
Gifts to Whittier College play a crucial role in creating transformative educational experiences for Whittier
With planned giving, you can provide long-lasting support for Whittier College while enjoying financial benefits for yourself
Your tax-deductible gift will help create transformative opportunities for Whittier College students