
The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness maintains the following dashboards that contain interactive, visual, and longitudinal data on student enrollment and success outcomes.

Many of the dashboards allow users to filter data by term and various student demographics. The primary purpose of dashboards is to provide administrators, faculty, and staff with readily accessible institutional data to support planning and assessment efforts.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our office at oira@whittier.edu.

Dashboard Dashboard Content Links (Whittier login required)

Admitted Not Enrolled Applicants Dashboard

Used by Admissions to examine students who were admitted to Whittier College but enrolled somewhere else.

Admitted Not Enrolled Applicants Dashboard

Census Enrollment Dashboard

The dashboard contains census enrollment data for undergraduate and graduate students with the ability to filter by various demographics.

Census Enrollment Dashboard

Department Report: Enrollment by Course, Majors, and Minors

This report provides data for departments to use. It includes information about course enrollments, the number of declared majors, and the number of declared minors.

Department Report Dashboard

Fact Book at a Glance

A summary of institutional data posted in the Fact Book including enrollment, retention, graduation, finances, and faculty and staff demographics.

Fact Book Dashboard

Grade Distribution Dashboard

This dashboard allows users to review Grade Distribution by Department, course, and term. It also includes Academic Standing and GPA disaggregated by major, ethnicity, and gender.

Grade Distribution Dashboard

HEDS Student Satisfaction Survey Dashboard

The dashboard displays the results from the HEDS Student Satisfaction Survey which asks students how satisfied they are with their college experience inside and outside the classroom.

HEDS Student Satisfaction Dashboard

Registration Dashboard

This dashboard reflects fall registration and is subject to regular change. Please note the revision date in the bottom right-hand corner. In addition, fall-to-fall retention rate information is included for first-year cohorts.

Registration Dashboard

Retention and Graduation Dashboard

Fall-to-fall retention rate trends as well as 6-year graduation rate trends for undergraduate by cohort are displayed in this dashboard.

Retention and Graduation Dashboard