Take Global and Cultural Studies Abroad


Global and Cultural Studies (GCS) strongly encourages study abroad as an integral part of the major.

Study abroad opens students to world views, value systems, codes of behavior, religious systems and uses of symbolic language that challenge them to rethink their own world view and preconceptions. Being overseas, students are naturally displaced by culture and language which creates a sense of not fitting in within the new cultural context. This is invaluable to students as they come to a deeper understanding of the tensions of conflicting subcultures against the hegemonic culture, and what it must mean to live as a minority within another society.

The Regional Studies concentration requires studying abroad.

Students in the regional concentration MUST study abroad. Usually this means a full semester of study. In order to be approved for study abroad, the student must fulfill institutional criteria and maintain eligibility. If you are unable to do so, please consider concentrations that include domestic immersion experiences.

Domestic Immersion Programs

There may by occasions when students may not be able to study abroad, or when their program of study would benefit from a domestic immersion experience. Concentrations where a domestic immersion experience is permitted or perhaps even recommended are:

National/Transnational Institutions

For students in this concentration who would benefit from domestic internships, the requirements are that the student:

  • Take 12 credits of internship (two consecutive semesters) with a domestic, international, or transnational organization.
  • Take a directed study or internship class with standardized evaluation criteria, such as a journal, a supervisor's evaluation, record-keeping.

NOTE: Language proficiency in the concentration (at least 2 years of language study) is strongly advised.


Some issues can very profitably be explored through domestic internships. Requirements include:

  • 12 consecutive units studying with a domestic agency/organization that addresses the relevant social issue.
  • Directed study with standardized evaluation criteria (as above).


The Culture concentration can be profitably studied by a 12-credit study abroad immersion, by a 12-credit domestic immersion experience within a diasporic community, or by some of the following 12-credit combinations:

  • Six credits abroad (summer), a 3-unit immersions account/paper, and a relevant course that enables the student to further their understanding.
  • A 3- unit January Term course, one relevant course, and six credits of diasporic immersion.

For a comprehensive list of study abroad programs for GCS students, visit the Office of International Programs.