Cean R. Colcord

Cean R. ColcordAssociate Professor of Education & Child Development
Philadelphia House, Room 108

Academic History 

B.A., Special and Elementary Education, Arizona State University
M.Ed., Educational Technology, Arizona State University

Cean R. Colcord is an Assistant Professor and program coordinator for the education specialist credential program for the Department of Education and Child Development. Dr. Colcord's research and teaching interests include the design and delivery of instructional and behavioral interventions for students with autism, the use of instructional and educational technology to enhance teaching and learning, and special education teacher preparation. Dr. Colcord is a member of the American Educational Research Association, The Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, and Division for Research. Dr. Colcord is also a member of the California Association of Professors of Special Education/Teacher Education Division. He has presented his work at national conferences and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals.

  • EDUC 521 | Student Teaching Seminar
  • EDUC 531 | Assessment of Students with Exceptionalities
  • EDUC 533 | Creating Positive Classroom Management and Behavior Systems
  • ​EDUC 521 | Student Teaching Seminar
  • EDUC 429/529 | Introduction to Exceptional Learners
  • ​EDUC 534 | Characteristics and Instructional Practices for Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities


  • Colcord, C. R., & Hart Barnett, J. E. (2017). A teacher’s guide to video modeling. Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD) Express.

  • Colcord, C. R., Mathur, S. R., & Zucker, S. H. (2016). Improving disciplinary practices in an urban school: Solving the problem of practice. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4, (10).

  • Hart, J. E., Colcord, C. R., & Zucker, S. H. (2014). Video self-modeling via iPad minis to promote on-task behavior of children with autism spectrum disorders. Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD) Online Journal
  • Stuht, A. C., & Colcord, C. R. (2011). Tech, teachers, and teens: Bridging the divide. Leadership, 40, 26-30. 

Publications under review

  • Colcord, C. R., Mathur, S. R., & Zucker, S. H. (under review). Secondary interventions for young children with behavior difficulties.
  • Colcord, C. R., Mathur, S. R., & Zucker, S. H. (under review). The effects of universal expectations on student behavior in urban elementary schools. Journal of Urban Education

Publications in preparation

  • Colcord, C. R., (in preparation). Increasing teacher morale: Leadership and action in uncertain times. 
  • Colcord, C. R. (in preparation). Flunking teachers: Examining lived experiences of teachers who were retained at a grade level.

Refereed Scholarly Presentations

  • Colcord, C. R., Mathur, S. R., & Zucker, S. H. (Winter, 2017). Tier two interventions for young children with behavior disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater, FL.

  • Colcord, C. R., Mathur, S. R., & Zucker, S. H. (Spring, 2016). Creating parent and community partnerships to design universal expectations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO.

  • Colcord, C. R., Mathur, S. R., & Zucker, S. H. (Spring, 2016). The effects of universal expectations on student behavior in urban elementary schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO.

  • Colcord, C. R. (October, 2015). The effects of universal expectations on student behavior in urban elementary schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the California Council on Teacher Education. San Diego, CA.

  • Colcord, C. R. (Spring, 2015). School wide positive behavior supports in urban schools: Fidelity of implementation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, San Diego, CA.

  • Hart, J. E., & Colcord, C. (Spring, 2015). Video self-modeling via iPad minis to increase on-task behaviors of young children with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, San Diego, CA.

  • Lacy, L., Pacheco, H., Colcord, C. R., & Baker, D. (Spring, 2015). A social justice issue: Exploring the landscape of assistive technologies for students with sensory and orthopedic disabilities in high school science classes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

  • Colcord, C. R. (Spring, 2014). Mediated activity systems: An examination of behavior support practices in general education classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.