Honor Society
Whittier operates local chapters of national honorary academic and leadership societies.
Members of these organizations are selected based on criteria such as grade point average, and, in general, exhibit a keen dedication to scholarship, service, and leadership.
Lambda Alpha
Lambda Alpha exists in order "to encourage and stimulate scholarship and research in anthropology by recognizing and honoring superior achievement in the discipline among students, faculty, and other persons engaged in the study of anthropology."
Our local chapter, Upsilon of California, has existed since Fall 2005 and aims to increase knowledge of the discipline of Anthropology as well as to foster an awareness of the Anthropology program at Whittier. We do so, among other things, by recognizing the academic excellence and service of our students, as well the research agenda of our faculty.
New members are selected for induction in Upsilon, California, Lambda Alpha because they have completed at least four courses in Anthropology, or two courses in Anthropology, and two in Sociology and have met the minimum GPA requirement.
Fellowships available to Lambda Alpha members
The national office of Lambda Alpha offers a $5000 award to a deserving graduating senior major in Anthropology. Also, a Graduate Research Grant of $2-6,000 is available to seniors which is designed to encourage overseas thesis research. Only applicants from chartered departments qualify to compete for these awards. A student’s undergraduate GPA and future research goals or studies are reviewed in the selection process.
For information about joining Lambda Alpha, contact the faculty advisor at akakalio@whittier.edu