Celebrating Shakespeare in Los Angeles

August 5, 2013

At the base of Griffith Park's rolling hills and above a makeshift stage, Angelenos looked on - from their lawn chairs and blankets - as actors from the Independent Shakespeare Company brought the literary tragedy Macbeth to life as part of LA's popular Shakespeare in the Park summer festival.

Prior to the performance on Sunday, Professor of English Jonathan Burton helped set the mood for the evening by leading playgoers in an hour-long discussion titled "Shakespeare and the Common Core," which examined the history behind our certainty that Shakespeare's plays are good for American students and how this history might shape the future of Shakespearean educations. The talk was part of the festival's signature "Salon Series," conversations led by experts on topics related to Shakespeare and contemporary culture.

The festival - which runs from late June through September - attracts nearly 40,000 playgoers each summer.