The 15th Annual Whittier College Helping Hands Day brought together hundreds of Whittier College students, faculty,…
On election day, Californians voted in record numbers to choose a new president, but also decided the fate of numerous…
The Whittier College Music Department, in conjunction with Emerson Bran Management, welcomes its first guest, Justo…
  "What if almost everything you think you know about Watergate is wrong?" This is the provocative question posed by…
Mary Pacheco '10 expected an "out of the box" learning experience when she began her teaching internship at Broadoaks…
The following are remarks given by President Sharon Herzberger at the American Council on Education's fall summit, "…
The last time political science professor Fred Bergerson fired an M-16 rifle was in 1968— a lifetime ago as a soldier…
Among the key election issues this year is the question of same-sex marriage. As California voters prepare to cast…
Justice Richard J. Goldstone H'08, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the…
John Poet is part of a New York Times "pop quiz," featuring unique college symbols. Whittier's new mascot made his…
As we find ourselves in the midst of the hockey, football, basketball, and baseball seasons it can appear that the…
"In some ways, Whittier College is a typical small liberal arts college:  it has around 1,400 students, small class…
"I started finding my voice as a thinker and as a writer [at Whittier]. [Then] I got on the road of finding out who I…
Speaking to the Whittier Daily News, economics professor Geetha Rajaram says the recent $700 million federal bailout…
The Ortiz Programs, named after Martin Ortiz (Whittier Class of 1948), seek to expand knowledge and awareness of Latino…