Using innovative techniques that integrate technology and play, Whittier College students reach out to children from…
Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Nilo Cruz is debuting his new play, The Color of Desire, this week in Miami's Actors…
Soldier-poet Brian Turner's poetry reading concluded the 2010 Whittier College Writers Festival held this week. Turner…
Psychology professor Chuck Hill comments on recent Census figures showing that the recession has taken a dramatic toll…
More than 400 Whittier College students, staff, and faculty joined volunteers from all over Los Angeles County for the…
Dean of Students Jeanne Ortiz commented on the importance of colleges turning to each other to determine the best…
The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) and Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)…
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty Charlotte Borst was invited to deliver two presentations…
Visiting professor Miroslava Chavez-Garcia gave a special lecture, States of Delinquency: Youth, Race, and Science at…
Wichita Public Schools began construction on its $7.6 million Martin Ortiz Elementary School after a ceremonial…
Writing as a guest commentator for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Whittier College President Sharon Herzberger gives…
More than 65 Whittier College students went abroad last academic year, venturing all over the world, representing…
It's that time of year again when college rankings are released in anticipation of the fall college application process…
A school board in Wichita, KS, has voted to name a new elementary school, slated to open in 2012, after the late Martin…
Rebecca Overmyer-Velazquez, associate professor of sociology at Whittier College, recently published the book,…