Alumni, Faculty and Staff
Albert Upton Professor of English Wendy Furman-Adams recently presented at the Renaissance Society of America (RSA)…
College Affairs
A friendship that has lasted more than 30 years, spanned across two continents, and transcended cultures has led to a…
College Affairs, Leadership
Accomplished business woman, entrepreneur, and stalwart community leader, Maria Salinas will address Whittier College’s…
The 18th Annual Latinx Graduation will kick off Whittier College’s 2019 Commencement festivities. The ceremony is an…
Erinn Carter ‘05 and Georgia Faye Hirsty ‘07 are the co-founders and co-directors of Frailty Myths, an Oakland-based…
Academic Achievement Awards  Undergraduate Fellowships  Ahmanson Veterans Fellowship Ricardo Mendoza Patrick Fhufei Tsu…