QSC supports students academically through several programs and services including peer tutoring, workshops, and college readiness.
Quantitative-based subject tutoring takes place in the QSC on a walk-in basis. Tutoring is available Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. during the academic year. The link to the schedule is sent out every semester and is available for students on Moodle.
Each semester, the QSC offers a wide variety of workshops to help students to build mathematical skills. To register for a workshop or search for upcoming programs, please visit Engage.
College Readiness - Math is a comprehensive, month-long, summer program where students learn math skills to prepare them for college-level courses and overall academic success during their time at Whittier. Students who are interested in joining the program, please email qsc@whittier.edu.
Director of Quantitative Success Center 562.907.4532 psturley@whittier.edu
Associate Director of Quantitative Success Center 562.907.4931 gtsai@whittier.edu