Andrea in coffee orchardGrow Your Resume by Growing Coffee

The College's coffee research orchard has provided fertile ground for seniors Andrea and Ian to apply their environmental science and business knowledge.


Burton with a bookBuild Community with Professors

"Because professors at Whittier get to know our students so well, we are invested in and dazzled by our students’ growth." - English professor Jonathan Burton


Two people on setGet a Hollywood Film-Making Experience

"Our location opens the door to real world, in-the-field- experience. We aren’t just talking about film at Whittier College, we are making them!" - Film professor Patti McCarthy


Malory HenryTailor a Degree that Fits Your Goals

Whittier supported Malory in designing her own major that balanced health and medicine with the cultural aspects of wellbeing.


DamianGet Personal Attention and an Affordable Education

Damian shares how he's benefitted from studying at a small school, and the financial aid that's made it more accessible.

Read More About Damian's Experience


Natasha and professor HansonConnect to Opportunities Through Faculty Mentors

Natasha found a mentor in Professor Jordan Hanson, who helped her find internships, invited her to do research, and guided her toward a professional opportunity.

Read More About Natasha's Experience


Mikayla and LeanneExperience Fun and Friendships on Campus

Meet roommates Leanne and Mikayla, what they do for fun on and off campus, and their tips about living in the residence halls.

Read More About Leanne and Mikayla


Jorge and NadiaProsper as Part of the Poet Family

Meet Jorge Cuautemoc Orozco ‘21 and recent graduate Nadia A. Orozco, who have both benefited from Whittier's kinesiology program.

Read More About Jorge and Nadia


CamilleGet the Support to Help You Succeed

As soon as she started at Whittier, Camille had the resources to successfully shift from high school to college.

Read More About Camille