Why I Became a Business Major


October 6, 2020
Celeste Perez '21
Coffee mug

I chose to become a business major because I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit.

Since middle school, I knew I was going to get a degree in business because I was always intrigued on how businesses operate. I’ve always asked myself how exactly do businesses make money? Where does this money go?

Then, one class in high school sparked my curiosity even more. In my junior year, I took a business math class that taught me many lessons on business finance and personal finance, such as investing in real estate and the stock market. We learned about simple finances on starting a business, such as getting your first investment to launch your business, and even learned to fill out basic information for our taxes. It was the most interesting class I took before starting college because it prepared us for the real world.

I passed the class with flying colors. I was so interested that I always stayed after class to ask questions and spent some of my lunches with my teacher to talk about different stocks and industries. This class inspired me to open a stock brokerage account when I turned 18. Since then, I have steadily invested my money.

Through the process of getting my degree, I have taken many business courses such as accounting, finance, marketing, international business, business management, and business law. With these classes, I have been able to learn many different areas of how businesses work.

For example, I’ve learned how important innovation is for a business to succeed and stay competitive in any market, as lack of innovation is a big factor of why businesses fail. I’ve learned what effective marketing is in today’s digital age and how to use many social media platforms to advertise to clients. I’ve also learned the importance of opportunity cost and profit maximization from my finance class. The list goes on.

One of my goals is to work for a multinational company after college.

I’m not sure exactly what role I would like to take yet, but that’s why I like how flexible this field is. There are many opportunities that you can apply a business degree to, in almost every industry. Also, with this degree I have the knowledge to start my own business one day. So no matter what field I pursue, I will always carry my entrepreneurial spirit I’ve had since I was a kid.