Surviving School Remotely


September 30, 2020
Destiny Randle '23

If you’re struggling with remote learning, I hope this helps you best adjust and thrive during this time.

Here are some tips that will help you survive school online.

Time Management Tips

Let me ask you a couple of questions. Do you panic often because you forgot an assignment? Do you have that one day out of the week where you pull an allnighter because everything is due the next day? What are some ways you can avoid that and be more productive and less procrastinating? Some things that can be added into your life to help you manage your time better are buying a planner and or making a to-do list for the day or week.

Without making a schedule or identifying the tasks needed to get it done, it will be easier for you to either forget the task and or be overwhelmed with the tasks you have to do. Start your day off strong! Know what you need to accomplish and set time aside to complete it.

Okay, awesome. Now we know that we have to plan what tasks we need to do, but now we need to work towards ways to stay focused. What are some ways to avoid being distracted?


Imagine your ideal learning or studying spot. Do you find yourself in the library, somewhere outside, or in a coffee shop? Identity what that space looks like for you and create it. If you're wondering how to create a cafe space in your home, well let me tell you. Make yourself a nice cup of coffee or order in and turn on some lofi mixes and playlists that will help put you in the environment.

There are a variety of different ways you can create your ideal learning space. The key to being productive is to set a specific time and a space aside for yourself.

If you find your phone distracting you, there are a variety of apps to download that encourages you to stay off your phone such as Study Bunny: Focus Timer, Focus Plan, and more. Check them out on the Google Play and Apple Store!

By using these tips, you can be better prepared and avoid stressful situations, such as forgetting that a paper is due or studying for an upcoming test.

Ways to relieve stress

Another important factor to surviving school online is not to stress. Your mental health is extremely important and needs to be treated as such. Just like how I recommended you set time aside for studying, I will recommend you set a time aside for fun! Make time for anything that you genuinely enjoy doing, whether it’s exercising, meditating, dancing, listening to music, and sleeping! Anything that will help you relieve stress, don’t be shy to do it.

Don’t overwhelm yourself. Remember that there are resources and support that is available to you. You got this!