The Job Search in Your First Year


September 11, 2020
Destiny Randle '23
For Hire sign

I heard you are looking for a job.

If I can, let me help you with that. Before starting anything, I’d like to say, don’t be discouraged! Even if a thousand doors close on you, just know that there are doors that are also open to you. Be active. Stay active. Because opportunities come to those who are actively looking.

With that being said, these are some tips to use when job searching in your first year, or any year. A special shout-out to the Whittier College Career Center staff who helped me put these tips together!


First thing first: reflection. In this stage, you need to identify the skills you have; your strengths, and your weaknesses. You also need to identify what kind of work environment you are looking for. Also, what are your past experiences? Were you an officer in a high school club where you displayed leadership skills? This stage is used to figure out what you are good at and why.


Now that you understand your skills and strengths, it is time to start looking for open positions. A resource that students can use to learn about any field they’re interested in is the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which is available online. By exploring this handbook, you will have a better understanding of a particular field. From there, you can expand and discover other similar jobs in those fields.

Another way to research your interested positions is by asking someone in the industry. Use Linkedin and other platforms to reach out to employees there to get a better understanding of that position.


It’s okay not to have everything figured out. If you thought one field was your where you wanted to be, and later discovered that it wasn’t, that is okay. There are resources and people ready to help you on your job searching adventure. At my school, Whittier College, our career center staff are always available to help us figure out what we should do next. Just repeat the process to get you closer to your dream job.


Two platforms, Handshake and LinkedIn, are also available to help you during your job search.

Handshake is a website created for college students who are in need of a job. Through Handshake, students can find jobs, internships, and connect with potential employers. LinkedIn is a social platform used for professional networking and being informed when a company has a position open up. Take some time to explore these platforms and discover what they can offer your search.

Your Future is Bright

Don’t let imposter syndrome stop you from your goals! No matter what, it is never too late to do anything—and you’re not alone. There are countless people and resources available to help you on this job search journey. Don’t close your eyes to the vast amount of opportunity out there. Go on and get them! Good luck. You’ll do great!

Want to talk to an expert about your first job search? The Whittier College career center professionals are available at