Poets Learn from Top Entertainment Executives at BET Network


November 11, 2015

Whittier College, BET, Student VisitWhittier College students stepped out of the classroom to learn first-hand about the entertainment industry during their site visit of the Los Angeles office of Black Entertainment Television (BET) Network.

BET's Executive Vice President & General Counsel and Whittier alumnus Darrell Walker '76 facilitated the visit for the Poets and introduced them to a number of network executives who shared insights about the most prominent television network targeting African American audiences.

An unforgettable experience for Poets, they met with network executives Dana Powell, Sheavay Belcher, Lea Walker, Robbi Reed, Zola Mashariki, Sonia Koo, and Darrell Genyard who are involved production, casting and legal areas of BET.

"The executives gave us knowledge and confidence to keep pursuing our career goals and they were very real and sincere in helping all of us reach our full potential," said Kourtney Brodnax '17, a representative of the College's Black Student Union who attended the site visit. "After lunch we listened to everyone speak about their journey to success, we were given gift bags then took a tour of the offices and saw editing rooms as well as met more supporting staff and interns."