Whittier College Biology Major is Running to Find the Cure

Zack HummelPoet cross country runner Zack Hummel '17 is spending his summer running across the U.S. as part of the 4K for Cancer’s 2014 Run Across America. Hummel, and fellow runners, will spend 42 days in a 4,000 mile trek across the nation. The goal is to raise funds and spread awareness for cancer research. 

Hummel's motivation for participating in the run is a deeply personal one. 

“My mom had cancer when I was younger, as well as my grandfather and others in my family," said Hummel in a recent interview with the Lodi News-Sentinel.  "I thought I would dedicate it to them and (others) who have or had cancer.”

When he  was 7 years old, his mother Leanne Hummel was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. While she has been cancer-free for the past 11 years, her son remains committed to eradicating the disease. 

At Whittier, Hummel is studying biology and plans on becoming a cancer researcher or oncologist.

“We always joke that my son is going to be the one who cures cancer, because his heart’s in it,” said Leanne Hummel.

To donate to 4K for Cancer in support of Zack Hummel, visit his profile page