Political Science Professor Fred Bergerson Reflects on the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination

Professor Fred Bergerson Remembers the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination

This week the nation commemorated the 50th Anniversary of one of saddest chapters in its history--the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In an interview with the Whittier Daily News, Professor Fred Bergerson reflected on his personal experience upon learning of the tragic news.

“I remember as I came out of the Vanderbilt University library, someone stopped me on the porch and said, ‘President Kennedy has died,’ ” said Bergerson who was a graduate student in political science at the time. “We were moved by the experience and school was canceled the next day.” 

Nearly three years previous, Bergerson had attended President Kennedy’s inaugural ball with his soon-to-be wife, Irene.

“We were within 10-feet of him when he walked in with members of the cabinet and I was so impressed with how young he looked and how red his hair was; I was a supporter of him while he was in office,” Bergerson added.

Read more in the Whittier Daily News.