When a faculty member is on leave, the essential curricular needs of the department will be met. Generally two people from the same discipline should not be on leave simultaneously. The granting of a sabbatical leave is contingent upon acceptance of the proposed leave plan by the Faculty Affairs Committee and the administration and the continued normal operation of the college with reference to departmental staff and financial resources. Other leaves will be granted at the discretion of the Dean of faculty.
For more detailed information on the types of leave and policies governing faculty leaves-of-absence, please consult the current edition of the Whittier Faculty Leave Policies
A faculty member is to submit a request for leave through the department chair to the Professional Interests Committee by a date chosen by the Professional Interests Committee near November 15 of the academic year preceding the academic year of the leave. The Committee will forward its recommendations to the Dean of Faculty by a date chosen by the Professional Interests Committee near December 15.
In some cases (such as a grant application which has not yet been decided upon), the faculty member may not know by the deadline whether a leave would be beneficial. In such cases, the faculty member is encouraged to apply by the deadline, indicating the tentative nature of the request. Approval of the leave does not obligate the faculty member to take the leave.
Furthermore, this deadline should not be construed to eliminate the possibility of a leave granted in connection with opportunities which were not know at the time of the deadline.
Full-time tenured faculty members and librarians of Whittier College are eligible for a sabbatical leave upon completion of six years full-time service at the College. Eligibility includes all the years of full-time service at Whittier, including the years prior to the granting of tenure. After this period of time, faculty members are eligible for sabbatical leaves every seven years and librarians are eligible for sabbatical leaves in summer months every four years. Exceptions will be considered by the Faculty Affairs Committee.
For more detailed information, please consult the Sabbatical Leaves section of the current edition of the Whittier College Faculty Handbook, pages 47-48.