Whittier College enforces a strict policy prohibiting weapons on College property, including legal and authorized weapons. The use of any firearm, explosive, weapon, dangerous chemicals, (excluding classroom chemicals), or biological agent on College property or at any College function is prohibited. Other prohibited items include, but are not limited to, swords, pellet or BB guns, knives, paintball guns, bows and arrows, or toy guns. (Students wishing to use any form of firearm or weapon for class purposes such as filming must first obtain permission from the instructor of the course and the Department of Campus Safety before use).
Students, faculty, and staff are not allowed to carry and/or possess weapons at any time while in College buildings or property, whether or not licensed to do so. Non-employees include, but are not limited to, vendors, visitors, customers, conference attendees, and potential customers of the College, excluding law enforcement officers. This includes parking and/or driving College vehicles or privately owned vehicles on campus or at College sponsored activities away from campus.
The College also prohibits visitors from carrying and/or possessing weapons on college property or attending College or College-related activities. Whittier College students, faculty, and staff are responsible for the behavior of any visitor they have on campus or at off-campus, college-sponsored activities or events.
Reports of any suspected violation of this policy should be made to the Department of Campus Safety (562.907.4211 or the campus emergency telephone number 562.907.4911) immediately. Violation of this policy is unacceptable and shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Whittier College or termination of employment. The College will not tolerate retaliation against any student, faculty, or staff member who reports a suspected violation of this policy.
In cases of suspected possession of firearms or weapons of any kind, the College reserves the right to search personal belongings on College property, including but not limited to articles of clothing, purses, brief cases, residence hall rooms, bags, and vehicles. All such searches must be approved in advance by the Vice President for Finance and Administration or Director of Human Resources for staff, the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) for faculty, or the Dean of Students (or designee) for students. Reasonable attempt will be made to notify person with the suspected firearm or weapon prior to the search. Persons may be asked to leave campus or remain in the presence of Campus Safety until a search is conducted or the situation is resolved. The search will normally be conducted in private by Campus Safety, an appropriate supervisor (for faculty and staff) with a third person normally present. In the case of students, the search will be conducted in private by Campus Safety and the Dean of Students or designee.
Sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the procedures in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Employee Handbook, or Faculty Handbook, as appropriate. Visitors found in violation of this policy are subject to expulsion from campus by the Department of Campus Safety.