Whittier College Enrollment Uptick Featured in ‘Money’

October 1, 2024

A recent article in Money Magazine on direct admission highlighted Paola Ruiz ’28 and Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Management Ken Woods ’84.

Here is an excerpt:

“By making the process easier, colleges hope to have a better chance of filling their classes. The goal is to attract students who might not otherwise have considered college, either because they feel intimidated by the application process or they think they can’t afford it, says Ken Woods, vice president of strategic enrollment management at Whittier College. Through different means, including offering direct admissions through Common App and Niche, applications at the liberal arts school were up 48% last year. Woods … sees the direct admissions platforms as an important tool for reaching students. ‘I really think we need to go where the students are,’ he says.”

Read more at Money.com

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