Reconnect with Alumni and Celebrate Professor Mike McBride’s Legacy at Whittier Homecoming

August 16, 2024

Scenes from Whittier College Homecoming in 2023 | Whittier CollegeThe start of the fall semester means Whittier College Homecoming is right around the corner. Are you ready?

Registration is now open, so get ready for a weekend filled with Poet Fest, exciting games, reunions, and the installation of President Kristine Dillon ’73. But this year, there’s an extra reason to return to campus — a chance to celebrate and learn from one of Whittier’s most cherished faculty members, Political Science Professor Mike McBride.

The fun begins at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, with the Purple & Gold Induction Ceremony hosted by Mike Rizzo at Villalobos Hall. Then, see old faces from 6-7:30 p.m. from the Pride Alumni Association meetup at Dezember Alumni House. Close out the evening with the Student Program Board haunted house at 7 p.m. at Bill & Harriet's Club 88. The haunted house is also open on Friday, Oct. 25.

Another Friday highlight is the Poet Musicale at noon in Memorial Chapel. Choir alumni are invited to perform the alma mater and school song “Friends Forever” along with students. In the afternoon, the Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts will host Dillon’s formal installation as the 16th president of Whittier at 5 p.m.

Mike McBride | Whittier CollegePrior to that, however, is a public lecture from McBride from 2-4 p.m. in Hoover 100. While he is retiring at the end of the academic term after 56 years — the longest in the institution’s history — this is an opportunity for alumni to glean some more knowledge from the professor. He will discuss how he got to Whittier, why he stayed, and what he hopes to leave behind as lessons learned and advice for the future, drawing on the words of Russian dissident Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, United Nations officials, and John Greenleaf Whittier.

“​​It's flattering that they've asked me to do it,” McBride said. “I’ve had to rethink my whole career, what it's meant, and the legacy I hope to leave behind for the college.”

In addition to teaching, McBride was an advisor to the Lancer Society for 42 years and has been the advisor for the Palmer Society since 1977. He has also been the assistant softball coach and has run the Model UN program since 1971.

“I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of alumni,” McBride said. 

Saturday, Oct. 26, will be packed with activities. Societies will host brunches, and soccer, volleyball, and basketball games will be held with rallies and more. More food and fun will be at Poet Fest from 1-6 p.m. on the Upper Quad.

Along with food trucks and games, this year’s Poet Fest will have a beer garden, kids zone, DJ, the All-Society Mixer, and affinity meetups. It will also feature the Whittier Experience Showcase and Fair, a chance to reconnect with your favorite professors as departments share their latest news.

Homecoming will conclude Sunday, Oct. 27. After the 8 a.m. color run, all are invited to the Campus Inn for brunch from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., featuring fresh and locally sourced ingredients.

Visit for the full daily schedule. Attendees can register for select events at

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