Why Major in Physics?


March 20, 2024
WC Insider

Why physics?

The Physics Department proved a welcoming and challenging place for me to grow and find a clearer path to my future.

You hear a lot of people talk about small classes at Whittier, and that’s especially true in this department, where the small sizes mean every student’s success is treated as a priority.

Working closely with my peers and the professor, I took the first steps to falling in love with physics. Over the course of my student career, I have been able to take extremely interesting classes such as Quantum Mechanics, Experimental Physics, and even an independent study on General Relativity. Were it not for the dedication and care the professors provide, I would never have been able to explore such areas of interest.

This exploration took another form when a professor helped me secure an internship at The Aerospace Corporation. There, I do research in atomic physics, working under another physics professor. I have gained an important insight into what I do and don’t like about the field of atomic physics, once again thanks to the relationships with professors that the physics department offers.

Whether I continue my work in research, my path has become much clearer thanks to the experiences I have had at, and because of, Whittier. I have learned some things that I love and some things that I really don’t care for. Both have been part of a fantastic learning experience as I continue to find my true passion, using my physics major as a guiding light.

- Hunter Alexander, Class of 2017
Physics major

This post originally appeared on the Department of Physics & Astronomy webpage.