Zoom guest lecture and q&a discussion about the play Maryam: A Woman of Bethlehem



Online - Zoom

Event Description

Thursday May 5th, 2022 9:30-10:50 am PDT


Click Here for Zoom Link // Meeting ID: 279 550 6613


REL 311 Life and Teachings of Jesus invites you to a Zoom guest lecture and q&a discussion about the play Maryam: A Woman of Bethlehem 

with Dr. Victoria Rue 


About the speaker:

Victoria Rue, M.Div., Ph.D. is an Emerita University lecturer in Comparative Religious Studies and Creative Arts at San Jose State University, a theatre writer/director, and a Roman Catholic woman priest. Her book "Acting Religious: Theatre as Pedagogy in Religious Studies" introduces teachers and students to embodied/enacted learning, especially the ways in which feminist theatre enacts feminist theology. Dr. Rue has written and directed plays for over thirty years. Her recent plays address Islamophobia in the U.S.: "Mary/Maryam in Christian and Islamic Traditions" (2016) and "A Halaqa/Seder Exodus" created with the Islamic Networks Group and the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley (2016). As a playwright and director in the U.S., Victoria’s work has been seen in NYC, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. In 2018/19, Dr. Rue was a Fulbright Scholar at Dar al-Kalima University of Arts and Culture in Bethlehem, Palestine. As her Fulbright project, she created and directed the play "Maryam: A Woman of Bethlehem" in collaboration with Hind Abu Shkhadim, translator and dramaturg. http://www.victoriarue.com


Co hosted by The Department of Religious Studies and Hartley House

Sponsoring Department:

Department of Religious Studies