Morning Moments


January 21, 2021
Hailey Garcia '23

Good morning! Sometimes waking up can be hard. I am definitely not an early bird so I would like to share some of my tactics to get myself ready for the day.

I normally set an alarm for 90 minutes before my class starts so that I can give myself some time to actually wake up. I suggest setting a more soothing alarm because anything chaotic might make you already feel stressed.

Then, I grab my toothbrush and face wash which is essential for me to finally be awake. Next, I try to be consistent with my morning yoga routine. There’s an app called “Yoga For Beginners | Mind+Body” that has helped me tremendously with stretching (especially for my back) and waking up my body. Yoga is a time for relaxation and important for connecting with yourself early in the morning. This app also plays slow music during the average 10-minute routines so it is perfect for gently waking up. My goal is to do yoga before I go on my phone. I find it healthier for my mind to pay attention to myself rather than scroll through Instagram first thing in the morning.

Then, changing clothes to get ready for school is also helpful for focus. Although it has been a struggle for me to desert my comfortable pajamas, I feel the urge to sleep less when I am in regular clothes. During this time, I play my favorite songs to help boost my mood. Music can motivate you to keep moving. My current morning song is “Feeling Good” by Victory (the original song by Nina Simone is just as good); it's about appreciating life and its slow instrumentals never fail to literally make me feel good! My other go-tos are “Blue Ridge Mountains” by Fleet Foxes and any song from the band Novo Amor because their vocals are both calming and soothing.

Last but not least, fuel yourself to prepare for the day. I usually have a smoothie with ice, spinach, chia seeds, bananas, almond milk, and protein shake. Bagels with cream cheese, avocado, and lemon pepper is also a refreshing first meal. Another good way to detox your body is by squeezing lemon inside water.

If you use essential oils, I would recommend scents like eucalyptus (for stress relief) and orange (for energy). I combine those two in my diffuser right before class to help clear my mind.

Peppermint is another great option to help with focus and positivity. For later in the day, lavender is your friend for sleep. Aromatherapy is beneficial for your health, immune system, anxiety, and improves sleep.

Next thing you know, you are on Zoom feeling ready to conquer the day!