Lending a Helping Hand as a Holiday Volunteer


December 11, 2020
Celeste Perez '21
Food drive

One project I’ve been very proud of is helping a former high school teacher create an event to donate goods to the homeless in Downtown Los Angeles during the holidays.

This project was a success because of how many goods were donated and the amount of people who volunteered to help on this project.

It started off as an idea of how our class can give back to the community, then it turned into a brainstorm session with our teacher and a group of students of how we can really get an event together. So, my teacher tasked me and a few other students with recruiting other volunteers and organizing the donations.

I knew from the beginning I wanted to be fully invested in this project rather than just donate canned goods. It’s always good to give a helping hand whenever possible, especially during the holidays.

There was a lot of canned goods, snacks, and water bottles to give out, as well as socks, blankets, and other donated clothing. Everything was organized into care packages to hand out to everyone. In fact, there was so much product donated that we had to bring in extra volunteers to help organize everything. It was good to see how many people were willing to give a helping hand.

Since the first year was a success, my teacher had organized to do it again and I have been able to help the past three years. Every year, there are more people who are willing to help and donate to a good cause. The project continues to grow, too: now, there are donations of dog food to give for any homeless people who have dogs, which I thought was an excellent idea because there are many dogs that live in the streets of Los Angeles with their owners. I am glad we can help both the person and their animal.

This project turned into a bigger success than anyone could have imagined. I am glad to be a part of this, and help other people anyway I can.