Amazing Affirmations


December 9, 2020
Hailey Garcia '23

College isn’t always easy when students are trying to balance school, work, family, relationships, and the world in a day.

As a student, you are bombarded with assignments and deadlines even if the world is on fire. Thus, I applaud your efforts and perseverance during this time. Like I said, it’s not easy which means you should be proud of yourself and let yourself know that you acknowledge your dedication.

Some days are better than others, some days our mental health is trying to survive as much as we are. And that’s normal. It’s normal to feel unmotivated and stressed out, which is why it’s important to remind yourself to take a break. It’s important to have affirmations and they are available whenever you need them—if you keep them in mind, literally.

Affirmations are positive statements that help encourage your core self. It’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of constant negative thoughts, but these affirmations shed light in the void of darkness.

10 Positive Affirmations

(You can also create your own that resonate with you.)

1. I am courageous and I stand up for myself.
2. I acknowledge my own self-worth; my confidence is soaring.
3. I will make mistakes; I am human.
4. My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.
5. I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
6. I know, accept, and am true to myself.
7. I have a lot to offer.
8. I give myself permission to do what is right for me.
9. I live in the moment while learning from the past and preparing for the future.
10. My life is a gift and I appreciate everything I have.

Having a physical copy of your choice of affirmations is a great way to start. You can set a daily reminder or make it your wallpaper. Write them down in places you visit often, or even put them on a mirror so that when you see your reflection, you are reminded of all the great things you are capable of.

I’ve recently started listening to podcasts on Spotify from Affirmation Pod: Josie Ong Affirmations. Each episode is roughly 10 minutes which is convenient for a morning start or a small break. Regardless, they are easily accessible.

The episodes that have spoken to me:

“204 It’s Okay To Not Be Okay” - This episode provides reassurance and validation when you’re feeling down.

“201 Feeling Raw and Vulnerable” - This podcast has an emphasis on security and understanding new perspectives when feeling every emotion at once.

“275 Being Too Hard On Yourself” - Especially in school, it’s easy to get down on yourself with grades and expectations. This uplifting episode explains the growth in mistakes.

“305 Struggling to Hold it Together” - This episode acknowledges the anxiety and depression one may feel. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, Joise Ong provides a calm space and breathing techniques to help ground ourselves.

Whether it is giving yourself space to cry, write, draw (etc.), you are releasing the feelings that you carry/keep inside. Allow yourself to be sad, to grieve, to cry; sometimes it’s what you need, but don’t stay stuck in that place. You are your very own best friend and you know yourself better than anyone. Isn’t that beautiful? So remind yourself that you are worthy. You deserve everything good in this world!