How Professors Impacted Me


December 4, 2020
Angelina Costello ’22
Professor and student

Coming in as a first-year at Whittier College, my educational path seemed unclear as to how I wanted to set myself up for a career—primarily because I was unsure of what I wanted out of a career.

But as I started to take classes in subjects that interested me, I made great connections with the professors at Whittier. Their influence has impacted me, and now I’m moving forward with a new confidence.

I came into college with a love for psychology and the mindset that with more education in this field, it would be a stable career path for me in the future and I would be successful. The word “successful” means different things to everyone, but the terms in which I mean it here are financially. Although I have a strong passion for creating art, I kept convincing myself that psychology was the major for me.

It was the middle of the spring semester when my graphic design 1 professor saw me walking on campus and she stopped me to ask a question. She asked if I was considering majoring or minoring in digital design. I was a little confused and told her I was unsure at the moment. And she looked at me and told me that I should really consider it. We parted ways and still to this day that comment has made me feel so seen as an artist. That moment, along with a couple others, gave me the confidence to realize that being an artist is just as fulfilling a career as any other.

In another digital art course with a professor I had just met, we were a couple weeks into the semester working on projects. I had noticed that this professor was giving smaller extra assignments to his students that he knew were digital design majors, to push them in whatever they were creating. I was too nervous to speak out and tell him that I was also in that major. But one day he really liked what I was working on and asked what I’m studying, so I finally told him. He told me he was super excited to work with me and help me grow out of being this very shy artist. I also had the pleasure of being in one of his classes this year, during which he referred to me as a “graphic designer” which also really boosted my confidence, because of course that is what I’m here studying to be.

I think that it’s little comments like this from professors who inspire you that really mean so much. Especially when it comes from someone in your field, it’s validating to hear. If I would give any advice to students like myself, being shy and not really having confidence to show others my work, it would be to really make connections with your professors. They might see something in you that you have trouble seeing and give you that self-assurance you need.