Reasons Why I Chose Whittier College


November 13, 2020
Trevor Cochrane '24
Whittier College sign

While we’ve all had our own route to college, we’ve all had one similarity: we chose Whittier.

Each of us had plenty of varied reasons for choosing Whittier. Maybe you grew up in the town, went to the local high school, and always planned on going here. Or you could be like me and many others from out of state: maybe you got an excellent recommendation of Whittier and heard how lovely the town was. My college counselor was the one who gave me a specifically memorable recommendation. He had told me that Whittier was just like my town, but in California, which really felt like I could make a wholesome connection out here. This want for a new connection or community is something we all likely share in going to Whittier. It was certainly a significant contributor in my choice.

Another reason that I and many others I’ve talked to share for choosing Whittier is the financial aid that we have been given and earned. Whittier College has been able to provide me and many others with some of the best financial aid outcomes out of all of the colleges we had looked at previously. Especially if you’re a low-income student, the financial gap can make or break your college life. Even though there’s so much financial pressure for many of us, Whittier has shown to care about us as people.

Whittier has shown all of us that we can grow, even while we’re learning online, even while this is an entirely new experience for us. That’s why I chose Whittier, as I feel we’ll all see the best growth in ourselves and in our community. While we don’t have access to campus yet, we have proven to be ready to build a community online, and I know we’ll be able to continue that community even stronger once we can in person.