Alumni Success in Psychology


November 3, 2020
WC Insider
Person with eyes closed

Students who graduate with a degree in psychological science enjoy a wide range of successful careers, including going on to earn a master's or Ph.D.

Recent Psychological Sciences alumni are completing advanced degrees at institutions, including USC, University of Virginia, Bryn Mawr, University of Massachusetts, University of San Francisco, Hope International University, Columbia University, and Southwestern and Whittier Law Schools.

Graduates who enter the professional arena have taken jobs in fields that include clinical psychology, counseling psychology, marriage and family therapy, occupational therapy, social work, law, nursing, medicine, journalism, pharmaceutical research, stand-up comedy, academia, forensic psychology, and business.

Image removed.Jascha Kaykas-Wolff ’98
President of Lytics

Jascha leads the emerging marketing company, Lytics, a high-profile marketing software firm helps companies precisely target customers. He oversees the company’s customer data platform, which analyzes trends to create personalized experiences for buyers. Lytics serves prominent brands such as Nestlé Purina, The Economist, AEG, and Yamaha.

Previously, he served as chief marketing officer at Mozilla. There, he led global marketing strategy and organization for the not-for-profit, which was created to protect and support the Internet as a global public resource.

At Whittier, Jascha learned how to be curious, how to see connections in the world, and found opportunities to learn how to ask great questions. These skills led him through an extraordinary career, which has included positions at Microsoft, Yahoo!, BitTorrent, Webtrends, and Involver.

“When you’re in an environment fostered by a liberal arts school like Whittier, you are presented with the opportunity to uniquely craft the skill of constructing a great question—to help uncover something that is going to be a meaningful addition to your life—this skill is critical in fine tuning your overall ability to learn and is very unique to the way liberal arts schools are run.”

Image removed.Alex Sheldon ’08
Data and Policy Analyst at Movement Advancement Project

Alex works for LGBT-rights think tank, Movement Advancement Project, supporting their public policy and LGBT movement analysis work. Alex has designed trainings for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on LGBT identity inclusion in the Middle East and South Africa. She has also worked directly with LGBT communities in East Africa and the Caribbean.

Valerie Williams ’12
Therapist at San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health, Doctoral Student

Therapy not only helps Valerie’s clients—it’s an amazingly rewarding experience for her, as well. She learned lasting, foundational lessons about how best to help them at Whittier, where she became deeply involved in research and learned how to push herself to limits she didn’t think were possible. By the time she entered graduate school and her doctoral program, she found herself well ahead of her peers.

 “Whittier helped prepare me for everything I've accomplished and everything I intend to accomplish.”