Professor Angevine Discusses Gender Bias in the Presidential Election


Visiting Assistant Professor Sara AngevineHow has gender bias factored into Hillary Clinton's bid to become president of the United States?

On Tuesday, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science Sara Angevine joined the Berkeley, California-based KPFA's Letters and Politics radio program to discuss that question, including how women face prejudice when pursuing leadership positions.

Women are held to a double-standard when they occupy such positions, "because they not only have to embody these expectations around leadership, which are connected to masculinity," Angevine said on the episode, "but there's still the gender stereotypes around what makes a good woman."

"So Clinton has to kind of embody both of these at the same time in order to kind of work with gender stereotypes, because when she starts to defy them too much, people overreact because it's such a contrast to what they're expecting," Angevine said. "And yet you have to perform what is expected for the role."

The episode, hosted by host Christina Aanestad, also featured Emily Crockett, who covers gender issues for Vox Media. The episode is available here.

Angevine is currently working on a new book, Strategic Feminism: Women's Rights in American Foreign Policy.

Watch a short video of Angevine explaining candidate strategies during the 2016 primary season here.