Senior Spotlight: Ariana Galvan-Hernandez '21

May 27, 2021

Ariana Galvan-Hernandez '21As an aspiring therapist or school counselor, Ariana Galvan-Hernandez '21 got a leg up on her career goals by serving as president of Whittier College’s Psi Chi Honors Society. 

“Being President of Psi Chi,  I absolutely loved this role and I had a lot of fun organizing events for students. It was an amazing opportunity to gain leadership experience and to make new connections,” said Galvan Hernandez.  

Galvan-Hernandez was rewarded for her efforts during the 2021 Spring Honors Convocation. In addition to being recognized for her academic achievements and service to psychological sciences, she was named Outstanding Officer of the Year for her work with Psi Chi. 

Hometown: Hawthorne, CA 

Major: Psychology Major/Anthropology Minor 

On-Campus Involvement/Activities: president, Psi Chi National Honor Society and secretary, MEChA 

Experiential Activities: Internship, Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse and on-campus work, Spanish tutor for three years.

Most unusual thing you did at Whittier College: Howled at a coyote I saw on campus after coming back from the gym one night. 

Favorite class taken: Psychology of Women

Most challenging class taken: Abnormal Psychology

Advice you would give your first-year self: Make time for self care! Always make sure to take care of your mental health and do not overwhelm yourself all the time. Take breaks and enjoy your weekend to recharge.

Plans after graduation: I want to work in ABA therapy and save up enough money to attend graduate school. 

Ultimate career goals: I want to be an ABA therapist or school counselor.” 

As a final note: I am a first-generation Latina who has a strong interest in Psychology and learning about different cultures. I was able to graduate in three years somehow, and also make the Dean's List every semester.