Alumni Profile: Ashley Lynn Aceves '07

December 3, 2013

Ashley Lynn AcevesMajor: Business Administration with a concentration in Finance

Activities: Alpha Pi Delta (Business Honor Society)

What first attracted you to Whittier College? The small, intimate size of the campus and access to faculty. I took an SAT II exam at Whittier College during my junior year of high school and was instantly captivated by the look and feel of the campus.

Why did you choose to study business? I was always passionate about business, particularly financial management. I went to Whittier College knowing that I would become a student of business.

Describe your experience at Whittier College. What was your favorite class? Every year at Whittier College got easier and more rewarding. Some of my favorite moments included furiously jotting down notes during a thought-provoking lecture and the release of stress that accompanied the completion of an exam. My favorite class was either "Finance I" or "Principles of Investments."

Did you intern while at Whittier College? Where, and what was that experience like? I worked part-time at a middle school and bank during my college years, and interned at Southern California Edison (SCE) after my junior year. I enjoyed my internship because it was my first glimpse into an actual corporate career and the kind of important high-level decisions that are made at a company.

What was your first job after Whittier? What are you currently up to? How has your Whittier education benefited you professionally? My first job was as a corporate auditor in the operational audits group at SCE. I am currently working at the same company in our internal consulting group. I am also planning on attending graduate school within the next year to obtain an MBA. Whittier College provided me with a liberal education that facilitates holistic, problem-solving thinking that makes me a more valuable resource at SCE.

What advice would you give to future business students when they graduate? Life does not take you on a straight, incremental path to the top. You may make some wrong turns or steps backward, but the important thing is to always learn and appreciate those who are crucial in your life.

Finish this sentence: I am a ‘Poet for Life’ because… Whittier College is part of my identity and my greatest source of pride and accomplishment.