Arika Skoog Finds Her Calling in the Boxing Ring

August 21, 2017

a woman wearing boxing training gear dodges a punch As a Whittier College music business major, Arika Skoog ’15 didn’t plan for a career as a boxer, but that is where she currently finds herself.

While she did stay fit as an undergraduate – Skoog played Poet lacrosse – it wasn’t until she moved to Boston for graduate school that she decided to take a boxing class. It was part of a promotion on Groupon, but she soon realized she was not only good at it, but that she loved the sport.

Skoog began serious training and even competing locally. She is currently undefeated and is the Massachusetts state champion, qualifying her for Nationals.

Recently featured in the Jordan Independent, Skoog explains how her first knockout victory felt. “It’s a crazy feeling, and unbelievably energizing,” she said.

Skoog currently has her eyes set on competing in the Olympics and is training to achieve that goal.

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