Whittier College honors teachers participating in Los Angeles Unified’s STEAM Micro-Credentialing Program by providing them the opportunity to earn up to 12 graduate units.
To earn graduate units, teachers must:
- Have completed all requirements for earning a Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credential within the last two academic years (see requirements below)
- Have a Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credential digital badge
- Submit their Evidence of Learning Artifact(s) and additional assignment(s) to Whittier College
Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credentialing Program Requirements
The Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credentialing process prepares educators to effectively teach and support STEAM instruction. The ultimate goal of STEAM Micro-Credentialing is to cultivate accomplished STEAM educators who are able to enact positive change in their educational setting and improve achievement for students in Los Angeles Unified.
Educators who successfully complete the Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credentialing process and earn a Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credential will demonstrate the following knowledge, skills, and dispositions:
- Deeply understand the California Content Standards, especially the Next Generation Science Standards, and the implications of these standards and shifts in teaching and learning in a 21st Century STEAM classroom
- Design and deliver rigorous, real-life, relevant, and engaging interdisciplinary performance tasks
- Leverage instructional technology to create and deliver interdisciplinary progressions of learning with high impact instructional strategies and arts embedded to enhance learning
- Continuously plan, deliver, reflect and revise their instruction
- Collaborate and lead the building of partnerships that support all students
Educators working to earn Los Angeles Unified Micro-Credentials engage in the blended, personalized professional learning of each Micro-Credential as a Community of Practice and complete three courses of two modules each. These courses and modules include:
STEAM Foundations and Access Course
- STEAM Foundations Module
- STEAM Access and Equity Module
STEAM Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- STEAM Assessment Module
- STEAM Curriculum and Instruction Module
STEAM Leadership and Capstone Course
- STEAM Leadership Module
- STEAM Capstone Module
Los Angeles Unified STEAM Micro-Credentialing credits (up to 12 units) earned through Whittier College may be applied towards a 30-semester unit Whittier College Master of Arts in Education Degree. Earned credits will be verifiable with a Whittier College transcript that can be ordered once credits have been granted.