Module 1: Foundations for a Strong, Successful, and Sustainable Dual Language Program
Assignment Prompt: How does dual language education provide equity for diverse learners?
Module 2: Best Practices in Dual Language Education (Las mejores prácticas para la educación en dos idiomas)
Assignment Prompt: How do best practices in dual language education support the students’ development of biliteracy, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence?
Module 3: Becoming a Reflective Dual Language Teacher
Assignment Prompt: How does reflecting on my pedagogical practice support my professional growth as a dual language educator and the students’ development of biliteracy, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence?
Module 4: Authentic Spanish Reading Instruction (La pedagogía para la enseñanza auténtica de la lectura)
Assignment Prompt: How can I support students’ biliteracy development, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence through authentic reading instruction in each program language?
Module 5: Academic Spanish Language Development for Dual Language Teachers (El desarrollo del español académico para maestros de educación en dos idiomas)
Assignment Prompt: How can I support students’ biliteracy development, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence through effective practices for Spanish academic language development?
Module 6: Spanish Grammar Instruction (The “What” and the “How”) (La pedagogía de la enseñanza de la gramática en español (El “qué” y “cómo”)
Assignment Prompt: How can I support students’ biliteracy development, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence through effective Spanish grammar instruction?
Module 7: Cross‐Linguistic Transfer in a Dual Language Program (Las transferencias interlingüísticas en el programa de educación en dos idiomas)
Assignment Prompt: How can I support students’ biliteracy development, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence through cross-linguistic transfer instruction in both program languages?
Module 8: Best Practices for Spanish Writing Instruction in a Dual Language Classroom (Las mejores prácticas para la instrucción en escritura en español en un aula de educación en dos idiomas
Assignment Prompt: How can I support students’ biliteracy development, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence through authentic Spanish writing instruction?
For more information visit the CABE website.