Why I've Enjoyed Going to College Close to Home


April 16, 2020
Emerson Little '21
Whittier College

I enjoy going to college close to home.

Even though my college in Southern California is a half hour there and back, I still like going to college close to home because it’s convenient, it’s affordable, and it’s an easy way to connect with your local community.

By living at home and going to Whittier College at the same time, I am able to go to my classes and come back for a home-cooked meal, instead of eating out all the time. Being this close to home, I can also bring my own lunches and dinners in case I need to work on assignments late at night or help out on the Whittier College newspaper, The Quaker Campus. Living at home while attending college also gives me the opportunity to hang out with friends from high school, while also continuing to build connections on campus. At home, I can hang around my pet rabbit and my grandmother’s cat, while at school, I get a chance to see some of the friendly dogs that various professors bring around campus.

Staying at home before and after my college classes also means that I’m much closer to family. This means that I can be a part of family life and take care of my elderly family members. For example, after coming home from Whittier College, I can visit my grandparents and work on my homework at their house.

Plus, compared to living in a dorm, my house has plenty of room. I am able to live in a place where I’m already comfortable. My house is a place where I know I can focus. In my room, I know I will be successful since I can sit down, listen to one of my many vinyl records, and work on my school work on the computer in a quiet space. It also gives me the peace, quiet, and privacy to study or watch TV. If you have a difficult time concentrating or just need a break from some of the craziness that comes with college life, you can do what I do and use that time to catch up on some of your favorite podcasts, television shows, or movies.

Although living at school can offer you more independence and freedom, I find that living at home is cheaper and much more comfortable. If you’re considering whether it’s the right decision for you, I can say from personal experience that it has been for me.