What I'm Looking Forward to: Complementing Business with Art


October 16, 2020
Gabriela Garcia ‘21
Sticky note with light bulb design

I am looking forward to graduating this year with a bachelor's degree in business administration and a minor in graphic design.

I was hoping to go back to in-class learning during my senior year of college, but I know everyone's better off at home and healthy. Even though the situation of being at home on a laptop all day is challenging, I know in time it will all get better. In the meantime, I’m finishing my degree—including a love for graphic design that I discovered at Whittier College.

I currently only need my senior seminar to finish my business degree and I am going to take that in the spring. To fulfill my minor, I am currently taking Graphic Design 2, in which I learn how to work with typography, then I’ll deepen my understanding of logos and brands in Graphic Design 3. I’ll also be learning more about how visual elements are used in contemporary art in my Art 2-D course.

I decided to minor in graphic design during my third year of college to help my emphasis in marketing stand out. The courses are also a good opportunity to learn the software. Throughout taking the courses for my minor, I learned I do have a passion for design. I love that I can show off my creative style.

I am also looking forward to applying to jobs in the future that deal with the marketing design of a company/brand. Working for the Office of Marketing and Communications since my first year at Whittier helped me gain more knowledge in the career path I want to take. Also, I’ve been working for a top brand—Nike—and have seen how they market to consumers. Working as a sales representative has helped me understand what the consumer wants, too. I hope I gain more knowledge this year as I continue to work those two jobs.