Three Movies to See Before You Start College


April 3, 2020
Emerson Little '21
Casablanca, Star War, and The Godfather posters

A lot of colleges assign a required reading before your first fall semester, but there are some classic movies to add to that list that could be helpful, too.

In college, many professors, English and film professors in particular, reference movies from earlier decades. Phrases such as, “Here’s looking at you, kid,” and, “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse,” are among the many expressions I’ve heard during my time at Whittier College. Quite a few of these quotes have passed over the heads of my peers. So, I’d like to provide you with a few cinematic classics to watch before you begin your college careers.



For me, cinema has the power to inspire and influence us in our everyday lives. So let’s start with Casablanca, an old film noir set in World War II about a nightclub owner, played by Humphrey Bogart, who reconnects with an old love and rebels against the German authorities who are occupying the country he lives in. I saw this film when I was rather young and as I’ve re-watched it all these years later, I’ve learned how many of the references I’ve heard in my college classrooms have originated from this one movie.

For example, during my first year at Whittier College, I remember my Whittier Scholars professor jokingly saying after a presentation, “Here’s looking at you, kid,” since I was presenting on films that have influenced public perception. My professor was using a quote from Casablanca in a respectful sense, in a way that communicated to me that I was doing a good job. (It’s also fascinating to me how the phrase, “let’s round up the usual suspects,” came from Casablanca and my film professors have used this phrase sporadically throughout their lessons.)

The movie can show up outside the classroom, too. In our film club on campus, Whittier College Video Productions Studios, phrases from Casablanca such as “this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” are written on the club’s whiteboard along with, “We’ll always have Paris,” meaning that our community of filmmakers will always have these important moments together. While this language may sound a bit old school, I think that it’s important to know where these quotes come from so that you can understand them in the context of college conversations.

The Godfather


The Godfather, a violent drama from 1972 about an Italian mafia family living in New York, is another must-see on my list of films. The Godfather has also been referenced in several of my college classes. I remember hearing some of my English and art professors jokingly use the phrase, “Revenge is a dish best served cold,” when we were analyzing works of art, fiction, or just watching a film that dealt with the theme of vengeance (this phrase is also notably used in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan).

Also, if you’re dealing with theatre professors who have a darker sense of humor, you may hear the term, “sleeps with the fishes,” which suggests foul play. However, “I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse,” is most commonly used by my English professors looking to add a little bit of humor to their lesson plans. In the film, this phrase is used as a threat when the godson of the mafia don, played by Marlon Brando, is refused a part in a film. The film producer ends up with a horse’s head in his bed.

Star Wars

Star Wars

While you may find these previous two films a bit old fashioned, most college professors also stay up to date on movie references, especially when it comes to the Star Wars franchise, which is rather quotable. Phrases from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope have made their way into our everyday lexicon. Especially around midterms, I’ve heard some of my peers at the college newspaper saying to themselves, “I have a bad feeling about this.” I’ve also heard several of my college English and film professors use the phrase, “The force is strong with this one,” especially when it comes to jokes or just talking about the structure of a story or a film. However, it can also be used quite often at Whittier College when someone does something impressive.

Casablanca, The Godfather and Star Wars are only three out of many movies that should be watched by students before beginning their college journey.